OCTC Hosts Holocaust Survivor Discussion

Owensboro, KY (04/06/2018) — On Monday, April 23rd, in conjunction with Associate Professor, Kaye Brown's Humanities 160 class, Introduction to Holocaust Literature and Film, Eva Kor, founder of the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, will visit Owensboro Community and Technical College via Skype from the museum. Kor, an 84 year-old Holocaust survivor, and a survivor of twin experiments conducted by Joseph Mengele, takes every opportunity to remind others of the importance of remembering the past. According to her website, she hopes to convince the world to work together to defeat injustice since fighting amongst ourselves will solve nothing. She speaks often about the ultimate power of forgiveness. More information on Eva Kor's story may be found at: https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/

The presentation, open to all, will take place in the Advanced Technology Center, room 107, from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and time for questions at the end is included.

Brown is also organizing an OCTC 2019 Study Abroad opportunity, The Holocaust and Eastern Europe. Those interested in traveling can contact Kaye Brown at kaye.brown@kctcs.edu or 270-686-4587. A link with trip details is located at: http://www.efcollegestudytours.com/professors-trip/2028434VX . Travelers who enroll for this trip before the end of April 2018 will receive a discounted rate.

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