OCTC Announces Exciting Summer Study Away Trip to Salem & Boston

June 19-26, 2025

The date for the information session has changed; the new date is Friday, January 24, 2025. The graphic attached is also updated, with a QR code that goes directly to the MS Teams link for the virtual meeting.

Owensboro, KY (01/13/2025) — Owensboro Community & Technical College (OCTC) is thrilled to offer students and history enthusiasts an unforgettable opportunity to explore two of America's most iconic historical destinations-Salem and Boston-this summer! Join us for a fascinating week-long study trip from June 19-26, 2025, where you'll walk in the footsteps of history, visit legendary landmarks, and experience first-hand the sites that shaped our nation.

This exciting excursion is a follow-up to OCTC's recent student research exhibition on the Salem Witch Trials and offers a deep dive into both colonial and revolutionary history. From the infamous witch trials of 1692 to the heart of America's fight for independence, this trip promises to be both educational and inspiring. Students can earn academic credit while exploring sites tied to these pivotal moments in American history.

Featured Stops Include:

Whether you're passionate about American history, want to experience the energy of Boston's rich cultural scene, or simply love the idea of an adventurous summer trip, this study-away experience is the perfect blend of education and exploration.

How to Get Involved

Students interested in earning college credit for this unique experience should attend our Informational Session on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:30 a.m. CST. The session will be held virtually on MS Teams. [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZThhYmEwZGItNzRlMi00YWYzLWE5MjAtNTBlMDIzY2EwODRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f2e33951-1ec4-4c72-b2bf-a4f4671d64af%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2253d38cb0-5e85-4cb7-b8e1-32e3fef04a7d%22%7d]

For more information, or if you have questions about the trip or academic credit details, please contact Professor Matt Alschbach at matt.alschbach@kctcs.edu.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary journey through history!


Owensboro Community & Technical College is one of the sixteen community and technical colleges that make up the Kentucky Community & Technical College System. OCTC serves the KY counties of Daviess, Hancock, Ohio and McLean. OCTC has three campuses in Daviess County and a Center and Annex in Hancock County. OCTC strives to serve the communities in the service area by providing associate degree education for transfer, state of the art technical education for students focusing on entering the workforce, customized business and industry solutions through the Workforce Solutions division, and adult education and business and industry testing through the SkillTrain unit.


The Kentucky Community and Technical College System is the Commonwealth's largest postsecondary institution with 16 colleges and more than 70 campuses. We also are Kentucky's largest provider of workforce training and online education. Through partnerships with business and industry, we align our programs to meet the needs of local employers. We help students fulfill their dreams of creating a better life through programs that lead directly to jobs or help them transfer to one of our four-year partners.

Connect with OCTC: Owensboro.kctcs | Facebook.com/owensboroctc | Twitter@OCTC_Tweets | Instagram OwensboroCTC

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