OCTC's Art Club and the Owensboro Museum of Science & History Collaborate on Mural

Owensboro, KY (08/15/2024) — Owensboro Community & Technical College's (OCTC) Art Club and the Owensboro Museum of Science & History (OMSH) collaborated on a mural project for the children's area at the OMSH over several weeks this summer. Ella Avolio, assistant director at OMSH and adjunct art instructor at OCTC, proposed the project.

The walls of the Little Tots Farm Area of the OMSH were previously blank and needed a focal point to help tie the area together. Avolio commented, "The previously bare walls in the Little Tots Farm area of the Owensboro Museum of Science and History has been completely revitalized by the bright and cheerful farm-themed mural completed by the OCTC students. This made a tremendous difference in the overall appearance and feel of that space in the museum".

OCTC President, Dr. Scott Williams remarked, "This is a great example of non-profits working together to make a difference in our community. The museum gets this great mural and the students earned this wonderful experience of working collaboratively together for a greater purpose. We are so proud of them for taking this project on and making it happen!"

June Ogilby, Heather Maas, Alexis Hayden, Haley Burns, Abigail Alvey-Payne, and Rose Richards are among the OCTC Art Club members participating in the project.

June Olgivy, one of the students who participated in the project, added, "It was a great learning experience for us to see the project evolve from an idea to a concrete collaborative plan, and then to help execute the mural was very fulfilling. "

Abbi Ruppert is the Art Club faculty sponsor and is the art program coordinator at OCTC, "Over the course of April and May, we had four Art Club meetings to plan and prepare for the mural, including a site visit to the Museum to see the space in person and discuss details with Museum Assistant Director Ella Avolio and Chief Executive Officer Kathy Heflin Olson. The Museum leadership requested that the students write up a proposal for the mural, which was a great learning opportunity for them. After providing guidance and encouragement to the students during those initial planning sessions, the students took the initiative on the project. They worked diligently to complete the mural over the summer while I was out of the office. I am proud of their hard work and their consistent effort to bring this mural to fruition."

Avolio added, "The Owensboro Museum of Science and History appreciates all the hard work and commitment provided by the students in beautifying this highly trafficked area, and looks forward to other opportunities to collaborate in the future."

Students interested in joining the OCTC Art Club should contact Ruppert via email at abbi.ruppert@kctcs.edu, or call 270-686-4531. Members do not need to be enrolled in an art class to participate in the art club. Ruppert added, "We see it as a way and outlet for creative students to engage in a supportive community with other artists, amateurs, hobbyists, and enthusiasts alike. It's a great way for them to make friends, express their creativity, have fun, and work on meaningful projects, such as the mural."

OCTC offers a range of Art Studio classes, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, 3D Design, sculpture, photography, and ceramics. Interested students can apply online at Owensboro.kctcs.edu and select APPLY, or stop by the main campus, located at 4800 New Hartford Road, and visit the START Center located in the Campus Center. Anyone interested in applying and enrolling for the fall semester can walk in or schedule a personal appointment by calling 270-686-4418 or email octc.STARTCenter@kctcs.edu to schedule an online or phone meeting.

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